2025 has been going on for a full seven days now! How are we faring?

I’ve been meaning to do a review of the year for several weeks now, but haven’t gotten around to it. Not entirely sure if it’s avoidance, or lack of time, but probably the former. Time has been wasted aplenty.

The shortest Skillshare class I’d listed ended up being my last resort to keep to the “1 Class A Week” objective because I also kept putting that off, though in my defence I spent a lot of time writing this week’s posts, because I wanted to put as much as possible on the table to try and keep myself accountable. And hey, I had to make sure I did do a class, so it sorta worked!

Speaking of which, I managed to publish 7 posts, which is 7 times more than I had done in the previous 5 years combined! I drew, I read, I cleaned, I even meditated! 

Still. As much as there is hope for “New Year, New You” when January comes, I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to leave the previous 12 months in the past. Not all bad, which is crucial to remember. 2024 us are the ones who got us here, despite all the challenges that we faced. 2024 us are the basis on which 2025 us will be built upon.

So I am thankful for the me that went through all of last year and who set us up to grow even further in this one. Writing this blog, even without an audience, and pushing herself to try things and face fears and pains. 

But I’m also giving her grace. Because she’s in me, fresh off a year full of challenges, changes, grieving, wading through it all so we could find a way forward. And when hardships come this year, whether events or just sadder days, I’ll honour her hard-won battles and remind myself that if she deserves rest and compassion, so do I.

I’ll celebrate 7 blog posts published, one event attended, an artist discovered, dailies achieved and plans for the future, and give myself compassion for the day I could hardly get out of bed, the bare-minimums achieved, and the tasks I didn’t check off my list.

Great objectives are amazing, but we can’t hate ourselves into better versions of who we are. That’s not how we grow.

I hope you are kind to yourself this year. Much love.


From this day on, I’ll work on posting at least once a week on Wednesdays, more should the occasion arise. See you then!